Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Death Penalty

Some people say that murder is murder no matter the circumstances, I disagree. I feel that the death penalty is a fair punishment for someone that has taken another life away or committed a crime that is so heinous no other punishment seems suitable. However since taking someones life away is such a sensitive issue it needs to be handled very carefully, I think that the jury has to reach a unanimous decision on a national level during the trial for this to be fair; otherwise they should not get the death penalty. By this I mean any state in this nation where the death penalty exists needs this requirement including that the judge should not be able to overrule the juries decision. Due to the fact that everyone should agree that the person on trial is guilty of the accused crime before taking someones life away. This will help prevent taking a innocent persons life away. 
  The judge should not be able to overrule the juries decision otherwise it would not be a fair trial which is one of our rights stated in the constitution. Alabama allows death to be decided by a single vote: that of the judge, who may override a jury verdict of life in prison and replace it with a death sentence, relegating the jury’s status to that of an advisory body. It just doesn't seem right for someone to have their life taken away by a single vote we as a nation need to take steps to prevent innocent or unfair death sentences.

1 comment:

  1. I chose David's Government Blog to critique when I saw his post on the Death Penalty because it's something most people don't talk about, but is widely controversial. I loved the fact that he stated openly his opinion and did it boldly. (I'm a little jealous, because I still feel intimidated to do something like that.) I may not agree with the post as a whole or his opinion but I respect it and his opinion. David made some valid statements about issues that I do agree with. Maybe I watch too much Law and Order but it's scary to think about wrongful deaths and judgements, maybe even framing someone. I would like to see more statistics involving states, and cases of the death penalty, and maybe the citizens and their crimes. Maybe a back history or pro con list. But I think David wrote it well and stated his opinion well.
